Find member organizations and read about the International Feldenkrais Federation. The IFF is the coordinating organization of Feldenkrais Guilds and Associations and other key Feldenkrais professional organizations worldwide. The IFF provides forums for the international community to meet and develop through constructive dialogue.

Students and Practitioners may log in to watch videos of Moshe Feldenkrais including the Amherst Evening Lessons while everyone can Listen to audio recordings of Dr. Feldenkrais, read early articles, and see photos of him at work. The IFF Archive is dedicated to organizing, preserving, and making accessible the rich legacy of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.

Find AY lessons, recordings and transcripts in our online catalog. Students and Practitioners may log in to view the full range of educational materials. Find Free materials such as photos and videos. Some materials are available to the public. The IFF Distribution Center is dedicated to making the original teachings of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais available to students,  practitioners and others who are interested in the work. Click on this link for a 5 minute video tour of the website.

Read the Feldenkrais Research Journal and search the Reference Database. The IFF supports research related to the Feldenkrais Method® as well as the collection and dissemination of information regarding relevant scholarly publications for the benefit of the international community.

© International Feldenkrais® Federation. "Feldenkrais", "Méthode Feldenkrais", "Prise de Conscience par le Mouvement", "Intégration Fonctionnelle" sont des termes déposés. I termini "Metodo Feldenkrais", "Conoscersi Attraverso il Movimento", "Consapevolezza Attraverso il Movimento", "Integrazione Funzionale", "Feldenkrais" sono marchi registrati di proprietà dell'AIIMF. Feldenkrais Method® is the registered trademark in the U.K. of the Feldenkrais Guild UK Ltd., Reg No. 1563759. Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(cm) are service marks in the United States of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America. FELDENKRAIS®, zertifizierter FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner FVD, FELDENKRAIS® Lehrer FVD, FELDENKRAIS®Lehrerin FVD und FVD® sind die registrierten Wortmarken für den FVD Feldenkrais-Verband Deutschland e.V.