费登奎斯精彩瞬间 (Feldenkrais Moments) – 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF)
Contemporary Images Project

Open the door and have a first impression of Feldenkrais.

A film by Mariano Nante and María Zinn
制片:Mariano Nante和María Zinn

Cinematography by Facundo Flores
摄影:Facundo Flores

Music by Alex Nante
音乐:Alex Nante

Funding & support: International Feldenkrais® Federation, Contemporary Images project, Marcela Bretschneider
资助与支持:国际费登奎斯® 联合会,当代图像项目,Marcela Bretschneider

Copyright © 2014 International Feldenkrais® Federation. All rights reserved.
© 2014国际费登奎斯联合会版权所有。

This video is free to use on your Feldenkrais-related website, provided you list the following copyright information with the video:

© International Feldenkrais® Federation. Produced by Marcela Bretschneider. All rights reserved.


The IFF is pleased to make these videos available for individual Feldenkrais Method teachers, practitioners and trainees to view, download, and use for Feldenkrais-related promotional purposes.

The IFF holds the copyright to these videos. Permission granted to display the videos on your Feldenkrais-related website, provided you list the requested copyright information with the video. You may not copy or broadcast them in any other way without specific written permission of the IFF. Please email the Materials Manager if you have questions.