Thank you for your interest. Click on the Organization and Names below to see contact information.
Questions regarding Orders, Shipping or IFF Materials. Need help downloading a file? Have a question about purchasing materials? Contact the IFF Distribution Center.
IFF Distribution Center5441 SE Belmont Street
Portland, Oregon 97215
Find us on Facebook here: IFF Distribution Center and Moshe P. Feldenkrais.
For general inquiries about the IFF, the IFF Annual Assembly, and the IFF Board of Directors, contact the IFF Administrator, Pat Zraidi:
International Feldenkrais® FederationBoite 100
8 rue du General Renault
75011 Paris
There are IFF member organizations throughout the world. If you have questions about the Feldenkrais Method® or where to locate a Practitioner, please contact the IFF member organization(s) in your area.
Email the IFF Materials Manager with inquiries about commercial use of archive images, with information about the images in the galleries, to donate materials or funding, or to volunteer to support the archive’s preservation and expansion.
Materials Manager: Kai Schaper:
Donate funding: Support Financially
For information about training programs to qualify as a Practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, contact the Training Accreditation Board in your region.
If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a representative, please contact your local Association or Guild.
If you are interested in helping with projects, such as reviewing or developing materials, contact the Materials Manager.
There are many other ways to become involved with the IFF. Please email Pat Zraidi at describing your interest and skills. Here are some ideas:
- Contribute Translations: write translations for the website (page text, materials descriptions, etc). This will help us to access as many people around the world as possible.
We welcome feedback on the website and hope to provide a useful and easy-to-navigate source of Feldenkrais information and resources to serve our members and the worldwide Feldenkrais community.
If you have an issue with the website, or wish to give feedback about what we’re doing well and what could be improved, email