IFF Materials
The International Feldenkrais® Federation (IFF) is dedicated to making original teachings of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais available to practitioners and students-in-training. Select materials by language here.
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Materials for Practitioners and Trainees
If you are a Feldenkrais Practitioner or Trainee, you may register or log in to access these materials.
To browse and purchase these resources, visit For Practitioners and Trainees. Free materials such as photos videos and learning materials are available also. The IFF supports the professional development of the worldwide Feldenkrais community by providing a remarkable collection of teaching and learning materials. Transcripts of Awareness Through Movement® lessons, videos of Functional Integration® lessons, and all of Dr. Feldenkrais’ professional training programs that were recorded (including San Francisco and Amherst) are available for Practitioners and Trainees.
Materials for Everyone
We are pleased to offer a selection of materials to the general public: For Everyone.
These unique resources begin in the IFF Archive of the Feldenkrais Method®. The Archive procures and preserves works from, and documentation of the method created by, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. The IFF Materials program reviews and selects archived materials for development. Volunteers translate, transcribe, edit, scan and otherwise prepare the materials for publication. The IFF Distribution Center distributes the completed materials to practitioners, trainees, and the public through the IFF’s online catalog. Proceeds of sales are used to offset production costs, help develop new products, and translate existing products into additional languages.
Why produce materials from the Archive? Read the value of studying Moshe’s teaching.
Archive Collections
A curated collection of materials from the IFF Archive is available to experience online. To view some of the historical collection of materials held in trust for the Feldenkrais community, visit the Archive Collections. Some of these materials are also available for purchase and download.
The IFF Archive Materials Committee works to acquire, preserve and make available source materials of the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. for the benefit of the worldwide Feldenkrais community. Donations are always welcome, and are a way for you to contribute to the material legacy of the Feldenkrais Method and Dr. Feldenkrais. Donations help cover the costs of digitization and preservation.