Esalen Lesson: Elementary Attempts in Loving Oneself

Moshe Feldenkrais had a vision of broadcasting his Awareness Through Movement lessons around the world. To honor Moshe’s wish, and celebrate their 40th anniversary, the Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA) hosted a worldwide lesson using audio of Dr. Feldenkrais teaching at Esalen.

During September 2017, the lesson Elementary Attempts in Loving Oneself, track 38 from the Esalen Workshop, will be available to listen to below (offer over as of October 1, 2017).

Purchase Esalen audio recordings here (for everyone). The audio bundled with the Stransky notes, at a discount, is available here (for practitioners and trainees).

Another September special – select a FREE download of an Alexander Yanai ATM collection (10 lessons) when you purchase $100 or more at A $17.50 value.

Your friends and colleagues are eligible too, so please share with them.